RotaWeb Interactive Web System for Rotary Districts

Clubs Map Module


$75 one-time setup fee.
$90 per year hosting fee.

The Clubs Map Module of RotaWeb is building a page with a list of clubs in your district, and an interactive Google map with color-coded placemark indicators to show where the clubs are meeting. The information about the club meetings is managed though the "Club List" section of the RotaWeb administration pages. This keeps track of the meeting day and time, kind of meal, address for meeting location, comment, and club website.

The Google Map is fully interactive for moving, zoming in and out, etc. Placemark indicators for the club meeting locations are color-coded for each day of the week, and have a different shape for each meal of the day. Links are provided to get a sub-set of the indicators for a single day, or a single meal. A "View Larger Map" link is provided if the user wants to load the map in a bigger area and use other Google Map features for driving directions, street views, etc.

The list of clubs below the map is grouped by day of the week and meal. Each item in the list provides a link to the website of the club. In addition, clicking on the club name will bring either go to a custom page with the club information, or directly to a Google Map for this specific club location.


Clubs Map Main Page

Map Details

Administration Section


Any Rotary District can signup to use this system, for a $75 setup fee, and $90 per year hosting fee. The web pages are hosted on the RotaWeb web server. You can easily link to these web pages from your own District Website. All the pages are customized to use a template to make it look like your own District Website.

Contact us at if you have any questions.